Sad and Depressed…

Feeling sad and blue and lonely. All I want to do is curl up and resolve issues but it is not easy !!! If it was , would have done that long back. Some things and circumstances are beyond our control.

Life has been hectic, sad and stressful all at once. This week I have felt busy and listless and remorseful. I do not know why !!! I can’t make sense of the feeling of stressed.And being so fed up and defeated and unable to muster inspiration or resolve on this rainy gloomy day..

Supporting a depressed love one while taking care of oneself is one heck of a task. It is becoming overwhelming…


North Maple Ave


The Stable as viewed from N Maple Ave


Holding on to dear life


Old and withered yet standing tall and strong

While walking down North Maple Ave to take some pictures, I noticed this tree (second photo) holding on to a few leaves and that set me thinking ….

Holding on to dear life-What does it mean ???

Holding on for dear life is our reaction to when life is falling apart, and we desperately need something solid to grab while we weather the storm, so we don’t fall apart too.

We all know that life is constantly changing and nothing is permanent. The phrase can be redefined to mean something else too. There are some things that mean a lot to us and are dear. They give us the comfort and confidence we need to weather any storm – friendship, family, faith, hope, trust, values, morals etc. But we should be ready to let go off the stuff that weighs us down like clutter, guilt, fear, insecurity and anger.

Most importantly, WE SHOULD hold on to each other. We have to hold on, lift each other up, comfort one another.